the pool
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Welcome to Hybrid Pool, an installation that combines digital and physical elements to create a interactive experience. Here, we rethink how we interact with shared spaces, making them more dynamic and inclusive.

Through collaboration, we rediscover the value of collective experiences and creativity. With Hybrid Pool, we empower everyone to contribute their own rules, to not have any kind of power structures also for the hybrid pool. By embracing our role as each other's senses—seeing, hearing, feeling—we navigate a space where diverse interpretations come together to shape our shared understanding.

And in our exploration of communication beyond language, we open up new opportunities for dialogue and connection, transcending barriers and fostering a deeper sense of each other.
ESP 8266
Follow the sound of music.
Move in sync with others.
Reflect sunlight.
Emit a random word every minute.
Form a heart shape.
Create a geometric pattern.
Move in slow motion.
Emit a fragrance trail.
Change transparency.
Shapeshift randomly.
Follow the direction of the wind.
Move toward warmth.
Mimic the sound of water.
Create a ripple effect.
Emit a magnetic field.
Generate a holographic image.
Reflect ambient temperature.
Change texture every minute.
Emit a gravitational pull.
Create an optical illusion.
Move in a zigzag pattern.
Emit a rhythmic beat.
Change size randomly.
Move in a figure-eight pattern.
Emit a gentle breeze.
Spin in circles continuously.
Emit a constant humming noise.
Change colors every minute.
Move only diagonally.
Form a straight line.
Mirror the movements of others.
Create a spiral shape.
Blink rapidly.
Stay perfectly still.
Emit a strong scent.
Glow in the dark.
Reflect nearby objects.
Rotate clockwise.
Mimic a nearby object.
Change shape every minute.
Emit a random sound.
Multiply into smaller versions.
Follow the nearest light source.
Emit smoke signals.
Create a pattern with movements.
Oscillate back and forth.
Blink in Morse code.
Merge with other objects.
Create a shadow puppet.
Emit a high-pitched sound.
rules of game
We have wanted make the users interact with our modules and generate visuals in digital environment. By doing that our approach is to use ESP8266 Modules equipped with WiFi in order to calculate proximity among them.

Schwimmring Module is connected to our computer in order to receive data.

Noodles is stationed in the other side of the room to receive proximity from the portable devices.

The other 3 modules(Springer, Kopfsprung and Bikini is hanged from the ceiling in order to interact with user bodies
ESP 8266 Modules are connected to a power bank to power them. We had 3 different cpp code blocks for the devices using ESP8266 WiFi library for scanning and measuring RSSI and also ESPNOW library in order to send data remotely.

This proximity data is read in Touchdesigner Software in order to create a digital sketch of the physical bodies.
Gathered proximity data in Touchdesigner is controlling
the bubble sphere shaped 2d visual.

This control is also collective act as;
Size is controlled by the cumulative proximity;
X axis of the Sphere is controlled by Springer;
Y axis of the Sphere is controlled by Bikini devices
Serial Monitor on Touchdesigner
Remote Devices "springer", "kopfsprung", "bikini"
Total 6 parameters received as RSSI data.
3 from "Noodles" and send it to "Schwimmring". "Schwimmring" also receives 3 RSSI data from the remote devices.

This proximity mapped through the space to achieve most responsive results.
Scanner "schwimmring"
Sender "noodles"
That is the module we used